Main Topics

Main Topics


•    Design, Construction and Operation of Transportation Infrastructure in Arctic and Cold Regions
•    Design, Construction and Exploitation of Subgrade
•    Geophysical Techniques for Geological Survey
•    Disaster Prevention in Geotechnical Structures
•    Slope Stability, Landslides, Debris Flows and Avalanches
•    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
•    Geotechnical Modelling of the Facilities Base
•    Geosynthetics in Construction
•    Earth Foundation Strengthening
•    Geoenvironmental Technologies in Construction
•    Geotechnical Problems of Underground Construction
•    Facilities Influence on Underground Structures
•    Frost Heave and Thaw Weakening of Subgrade
•    Maintenance of Subgrade in Cold Regions
•    Artificial Ground Freezing
•    Cracking of Pavement Caused by the Natural Influences
•    Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance
•    Transport Infrastructure Safety

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